fredag 17 juni 2011

The war for hyern

“Take our best weapons and our finest men”
“let them learn from our greatest warriors”
“It does not matter if you empties all of our treasurires”
“But save our lands from this pest!”

That was the last words of the king Jonhatan of the land of Hyern before he succumbed to the daemons magic.

The land of Hyern had enjoyed peace and wealth with good harvest and no disease for a long time, this was because of a monument to the gods in the middle of the country. The reason they had the gods favour was because they did not as many other countrys only prayed on special events, they prayed to many gods every day.
Although they prayed for all the gods they first prayed to the main gods and by that also to the lesser gods.
But they became lazy and thought that their future was secured because of their long period of constant praying.
But the gods were used to all getting prayed for so when they didnt pray all gods, the gods suspected them to have fovorisised another god and so started to fight.
The gods fought for a long time and that tore the land appart.

Then one day the ultimate disaster happend, the monument of the gods split
open and daemons poured out, the leaders had expect an attack form the middle
less than anything else and so the daemons could slaughter and gain foothold so
when the armys fianally arrived the daemons were ready...

The armys of man was ruthleasly slaughtered back and the humans had no hope
To win.

Having seen what they had done to their favoured childerns the gods felt guilty
to save them, and so blessed the king of the land with increadibly wisdom and
strenght, all gods gave a gift to him, all but the god of plans, Kalkút.
He said that hes gift would come when most needed.

The king lead the last warriors into one last attack upon the monument and
managed get to the monument. The god of sealing Ryhlei had given him
knowleadge to close the daemon gate, but a last daemon stepped out it was
Holegaque the leader of the daemons, while saying the holy words to close the
gate, Jonathan fought the daemon single handed.
With a mighty roar the daemon pierced Jonathans hearth, he could not finish the
sealing but he did managed to slay the daemon.

Then Kalkút blessed him and he knew what to do. He told his advestories about
a order of holy warriors, for the daemons would still come back to this land,
he had the plan worked out but he was dying and so could not finish it.

That was the begining of an era of secret war, for the people of Hyern thought
that the daemons had been obliterated in the war, only a few humans of great
might knew the truth of the daemons.

The gate is slowly opening and small packs of daemons are entering the world
corupting the lands and destroying villages, the lords of hyern have no easy time
hiding this from the peoples, but they have a weapon against them:

The daemonhunters

This is the order of holy warriors that the king of Hyern spoke of, each daemon
hunter will be taken from his family when new born and trained in the aspect of
fighting, diplomacy and infiltration.

A daemonhunter may descend from all from a noble family to a poor man living
on the street, he will be thought absolute faith so that there is no chance that he
will be corrupted, each daemon hunter is a perfect result of hard training and
total faith, they stand as proud warriors and holy guardians of hyern with only
one purpose in their life: to hunt down daemons in secret.

A daemonhunter starts his carrier as a hunter, they wield holy crossbows and
knifes, if he surives he will become a banisher, these brutal warriors are armed
with many diffrent kind of holy blades and are blessed with the rage of the gods,
this is where most aspirants die but should he make it he is allowed to read the
the holy writings of Jonathan, he will be allowed to pick any weapon he want
and will have same might as any duke in Hyern, when this happens the daemonhunter will proably have reached an age of atleast sixty but he will still be as strong as any well trained young man, he might still advance in the ranks and might become a daemonhunter captain, or even one of the near immortal living saints, those that are said to be Jonathan reborn.

The daemonhunter is by far means the only one who fight the daemons some of
the other  groups are:

The maidens of Jonathan

The maidens of Jonathan are a group of religous women with the same intends
as the daemonhunters, the maidens of jonathan usually travels the lands of hyern
alone instead of in groups as the daemonhunters, and acts like missionaries and
inquisitors, of course a man who does not have faith in Jonathan cannot be allowed to spread his evil...

Many maidens are young women that have suffered such tragedy that they plan on killing themself, but they are somtimes magicaly visited by the goddes of purity Vilgi who will tell them the truth about the daemons, she will give them two choise, they can kill themself and never have remption, or they can become a maiden, a holy angel og Jonathan.

Even though they share the same goal the maidens and daemonhunter is in conflict as the maidens act on their own and dont serves the lords of Hyern, they are treated as a violent outlaw gang and are ordered to be killed if they come to towns.
Though most peoples does not follow this order and rather sees a maiden as a sign of good luck and protection agaisnt daemons.

The maidens of Jonathan is however often grouped together in war, this happens by a maiden taking her crystal of faith, a symbol that does not only detect daemons but also work as a alarm, sending a great light that warns every cityzen nearby and attract every maiden, with the maidens gathered the most experienced one will be elected the leader, these are often very old but still looks like young women.

The heroes of Hyern

Daemons do not care if they attack a village, a caravane or a fortress, they will almost always defeat even the strongest enemy, somthimes however the soldiers or townsfolk defeat the daemons, why most townsfolk often go mad or flee to churces, the soldiers of Hyern somtimes will stay brave, their fortress destroyed and almost all of their comrades slain, they will go on a quest for revenge and cleansing.

Often there will be townsfolk in the fortresses or soldiers in the villages and they often band up, but the fates of the simple man is not to be a glorius revenge seeking warrior, but a crazy flaggelant, they are not strong but they are complete fearless and will never stop fighting untill their dead, it often does not end their as they of ten has blackpowder bombs tied to them.

Some strange peoples have the abilities to see daemongates, these will quickly be disppatched by the secret Daemonhunters, whos duty is not only to hunt daemons but also to destroy the ones who might expose the dameon secret, however some of these called daemonseers will keep their secret and join the groups of Hyern heroes, they find deaemons and close small gates, some might even have the skills to capture a small gate and turn it to a vortex bomb, another deadly weapon for the flagelants.

These are the heroes of Hyern, warriors who is dead to society, crasy humans who live to die and humans threwn out of their villages, they are hunted by the daemonhunters, even though they only wish the same, these are still undeniable true heroes who do not cowers, but does somthiung about the treath instead, even though they all should be dead...

The wizards of Amryt

Amryt is a country lining up to Hyern, known for their alcemy and their mages,
Hyern have never liked them and have seen them as heretics and cultsits.

However Amryt and Hyern still trades with eachother and Amryts is allowed in the country, untill the reasent years the wizards have been creating warriors and fought daemons, this could mean that they have seen the future and know somthing that not even the daemohunters know, and that of course, makes them enemys of Hyern.

The wizards of Amryt fight with weird mechanincal creatures backed up by their
own magical powers, rock soldiers and creatures created by alcemy are though and fearless and so the wizards of Amryt is higly feared enemys but highly respected allies.

Magic is no easy craft, and even the slighest mistake can kill the bearer, the wizards are terryfied when they watch other humans using magic so carelessly, the wizards of Amryt have practised for decades and still they do not dare to use their full power, this is what keeps them back, what lets Hyern and the necromancers advance.

Its no diffrent with alcemy, they do not dare to make the towering warmachines that could save the wizards of slowly dying out, but they are, the dangerous tecnoligy of Hyern and other lands are swallowing the lesser strong but safer in creating and using, thats why the wizards soon will all be gone, destroyed by engines that crave as much death as it causes....

The daemons

Daemons are terror enbodied death incarnate and apocalypse reborn, even a single daemon can slay ten humans by sheer terror, for daemons do not die and they have eternities tp train on the only two aspects they are ment to do: War and corruption.

Daemons live in a distent world with portals all over the world, the greatest is however the one in Hyern, there the daemons may enter slowly and spread their crafts to the world.

There is atleast a thousand diffrent daemon gods, constantly waging war agaisnt
eachother and it is this who causes the portals to come in exictens, when the
daemon first have entered this world there is only one way to slay it: kill it
then shatter its dead body and burn it, unless you do this the daemon will rise
again although not in this world. He will serve his punish for having failed and
then he will return with only one thing in mind: Revenge!

The daemons cannot ever truly be defeated, but they can be kept in place by the
constant heroic sacrefices by the daemonhunters, maidens of Jonathan, wizards
of Amryt and of course: the common man of hyern.

Though the rift is slowly opening and the world must prepare to hordes of
greater than in the days of Jonathan...

The corrupted

Daemons know only war and corruption, the second may they actually excell in
than the first, many humans, either so scarred or so tempted by the daemonic
powers join the dark side to fight for the glory of daemons. The daemons care
little and sees them as any other humans. 

Corrupted are often mutated with extra limbs, superhuman ablities or even
stranger abilities, these can make them stronger or weaker.

Many corrupted have magical abilities and summon daemons to fight for them,
though the daemon would be just as happy to slay the one who summoned him.

A very few number of corrupted gain attention by one of the many gods and
may be blessed with his power, or even be a host for him, such a creature is
almost invurnable and how to slay it is sayd only to be written in the writings
of the daemonhunters, though many of the holy writings have been lost over the

When a corrupted warband go to war an enemy will find his once townpeople
now driven into a berserk fury, mutated screaming beasts and giant half
daemons, this sight is almost as frightening as daemons and many warriors will
turn tail and flee before them.

The beasts of Hyern

Even without the daemons and corrupted to attack the their lands, monsters have startet to enter the lands of Hyern, some humans, not corrupted yet sure that Jonathans way is not right have trained them and started to raid the lands of Hyern for personal might.

The armys of the beasts are made up with large numbers of wolf like hounds, enormus bear like creatures, trolls, giant birds, the list goes on forever, each beastking (this is what the rulers of the beasts call themself ) have personalised armys, but there is always one thing sure with them: Howling and snarring creatures with the powers of many well trained men, the beasts of hyern is a dangerous threat and takes many resourses to fight back.

Beastkings controll the beasts by a combination of promising fresh meat, intimating by their powers, and the rare metal known as aniron a rare metal that dulls the mind of animals and makes them easyer to controll, its also harder than any iron, how they mine it is unknown but there goes rumors of a fortress controlled by half beast half man creatures commanding the lesser creatures and followers into the lands of Hyern...

It is not their duty of the daemonhunters to fight these beasts, but their honour will often force them, for it is their duty to protect the country.

The legion of undead

Accordingly to the history of Amryt there have always been a castle on the highest mountain of Amryt, its guarded by hundreds of metal giants, the place whizzes with magical energies, and only by being close to it, anyones magical powers will be increased, the giants does not attack unless you try to enter the castle, then they all attack att once, in a perfect formation without mercy or hesetation.

One day when a group of wizards were making their way to the castle, they found it in ruin, the castle aflame the giants smashed and all wizards gone.
The wizards entered the castle and saw a single room, a libary, the sign said that it was the libary of Katyor Herlek Amryt, the founder of the wizard order and the first wizard king of Amryt. Now it was aflame.

The wizards quickly put out the fire, but the libary was destroyed, however only four scrolls were gone. In the content they could see it was the four forbidden scrolls, the scroll of life, the scroll of death, the scroll of the afterlife, and the scroll of reawakening.

Several decades later young but strong wizards started to dissaper and few years later, a attack started the armys attacking was somthing the wizards had not foresawen, it was living corpses and skelletons commanded by their undead lords, the necromancers.

The necromancers raise the dead by combining the four forbidden scrolls binding spirits to bodys they do not belong in, creating a torture that they can only escape by obeying their master.

The armys of undead first entered Hyern by simply doing a all out suprise attack smashing a great hole in hyerns wall, they have since broken down into smaller warbands and waged war against Hyern, Amryt and even the daemons, they are deadly opponents as their soldiers are fearless and almost imortal, backed up by hellish abbominations and dark magic, they are deadly and relentless aswell as tactical and flexible.

These eight races make up the greatest armys that wage war in Hyern

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